test_collections_mod Module Reference


subroutine test_map_type_put
subroutine test_map_type_put_unique
subroutine test_map_type_pointers
subroutine test_map_type_get
subroutine test_map_type_remove
character(len=15) function str (k)
subroutine test_stack_type_pointers
subroutine test_stack_type_push_pop
subroutine test_queue_type_pointers
subroutine test_queue_type_push_pop
subroutine test_list_type_add
subroutine test_list_type_pointers
subroutine test_list_type_get
subroutine test_list_type_insert
subroutine test_list_type_remove
subroutine init_random_seed ()

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ init_random_seed()

subroutine test_collections_mod::init_random_seed

Definition at line 402 of file test_collections.F90.

403  integer :: i, n, clock
404  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: seed
406  call random_seed(size = n)
407  allocate(seed(n))
409  call system_clock(count=clock)
411  seed = clock + 37 * (/ (i - 1, i = 1, n) /)
412  call random_seed(put=seed)
414  deallocate(seed)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str()

character(len=15) function test_collections_mod::str ( integer, intent(in)  k)

Definition at line 158 of file test_collections.F90.

159  integer, intent(in) :: k
160  write (str, *) k
161  str = adjustl(str)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_list_type_add()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_list_type_add

Definition at line 263 of file test_collections.F90.

264  type(list_type) :: my_list
265  integer :: i
266  class(*), pointer :: iptr
268  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_list), "List is empty")
270  do i=1,10
271  allocate(iptr, source=i)
272  call c_add(my_list, iptr)
273  call assert_equals(i, c_size(my_list), "List add increases list_type size")
274  end do
276  call assert_equals(.false., c_is_empty(my_list), "List is not empty after element adds")
278  call c_free(my_list)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_list_type_get()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_list_type_get

Definition at line 302 of file test_collections.F90.

303  type(list_type) :: my_list
304  integer :: i,j
305  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
307  do i=1,10
308  allocate(iptr, source=i)
309  call c_add(my_list, iptr)
310  end do
312  call assert_equals(10, c_size(my_list), "List size increased after adding elements")
314  do j=1,10
315  data => c_get(my_list, j)
316  select type(data)
317  type is(integer)
318  call assert_equals(j, data, "Element at location j is consistent with expectations")
319  class default
320  call add_fail("Type unknown")
321  end select
322  end do
324  call c_free(my_list)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_list_type_insert()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_list_type_insert

Definition at line 329 of file test_collections.F90.

330  type(list_type) :: my_list
331  integer :: i, element_to_remove, j, k
332  class(*), pointer :: iptr=>null(), data=>null()
334  do i=1,10
335  allocate(iptr, source=i)
336  call c_add(my_list, iptr)
337  end do
339  do i=1,10
340  j=i*100
341  allocate(iptr, source=j)
342  call c_insert(my_list, iptr, i)
343  end do
345  call assert_equals(20, c_size(my_list), "Post addition and insertion list_type size is correct")
347  do k=1,20
348  data => c_get(my_list, k)
349  select type(data)
350  type is (integer)
351  call assert_equals(data, merge(k-10, k*100, k .gt. 10), "Element at k is consistent with addition and insertion")
352  class default
353  call add_fail("Unknown type")
354  end select
355  end do
357  call c_free(my_list)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_list_type_pointers()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_list_type_pointers

Definition at line 281 of file test_collections.F90.

282  type(list_type) :: my_list
283  integer, target :: i
284  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
285  i=20
286  iptr=>i
287  call c_add(my_list, iptr)
288  i=50
289  data=>c_get(my_list, 0)
290  select type(data)
291  type is (integer)
292  call assert_equals(50, data, "List element modified by changing original value")
293  class default
294  call add_fail("Unknown type")
295  end select
297  call c_free(my_list)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_list_type_remove()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_list_type_remove

Definition at line 362 of file test_collections.F90.

363  type(list_type) :: my_list
364  integer :: i, j, element_to_remove
365  class(*), pointer :: iptr=>null(), data=>null()
366  real :: r
368  call init_random_seed
369  call random_number(r)
370  element_to_remove = int(r*9)+1
372  do i=1,10
373  allocate(iptr, source=i)
374  call c_add(my_list, iptr)
375  end do
377  data => c_get(my_list, element_to_remove)
378  select type(data)
379  type is (integer)
380  call assert_equals(element_to_remove, data, "Element to remove is consistent")
381  class default
382  call add_fail("Unknown type")
383  end select
384  call c_remove(my_list, element_to_remove)
386  do j=1,9
387  if (j .ne. element_to_remove) then
388  data => c_get(my_list, j)
389  select type(data)
390  type is (integer)
391  call assert_equals(merge(j, j+1, j .lt. element_to_remove), data, "After element removal element at j is consistent")
392  class default
393  call add_fail("Unknown type")
394  end select
395  end if
396  end do
398  call c_free(my_list)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_map_type_get()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_map_type_get

Definition at line 80 of file test_collections.F90.

81  type(map_type) :: my_map
82  integer :: i, j, v, x
83  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
85  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_map), "map_type is empty")
87  do i=1,10
88  v = i * 10
89  call assert_false(c_contains(my_map, str(i)), "map_type does not contain the key before put")
90  allocate(iptr, source=v)
91  call c_put(my_map, str(i), iptr)
92  call assert_true(c_contains(my_map, str(i)), "map_type contains the key after put")
93  data => c_get(my_map, str(i))
94  select type (data)
95  type is (integer)
96  call assert_equals(i*10, data, "Value of entry is consistent")
97  end select
98  call assert_equals(str(i), c_key_at(my_map, i), "Key at location i is consistent")
99  end do
101  do j=1,10
102  x = j * 100
103  allocate(iptr, source=x)
104  call c_put(my_map, str(j), iptr)
105  data => c_get(my_map, str(j))
106  select type (data)
107  type is (integer)
108  call assert_equals(j*100, data, "Value modified due to duplicate key")
109  class default
110  call add_fail("Unknown type")
111  end select
112  data => c_value_at(my_map, j)
113  select type (data)
114  type is (integer)
115  call assert_equals(j*100, data, "Value at returned correct value at i")
116  class default
117  call add_fail("Unknown type")
118  end select
119  end do
121  call c_free(my_map)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_map_type_pointers()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_map_type_pointers

Definition at line 59 of file test_collections.F90.

60  type(map_type) :: my_map
61  integer, target :: i
62  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
63  i=20
64  iptr=>i
65  call c_put(my_map, "A", iptr)
66  i=50
67  data=>c_get(my_map, "A")
68  select type(data)
69  type is (integer)
70  call assert_equals(50, data, "Value of entry has been changed through modifying original variable")
71  class default
72  call add_fail("Unknown type")
73  end select
74  call c_free(my_map)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_map_type_put()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_map_type_put

Definition at line 11 of file test_collections.F90.

12  type(map_type) :: my_map
13  integer :: i, j, v
14  class(*), pointer :: iptr
16  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_map), "map_type is empty")
18  do i=1,10
19  allocate(iptr, source=i)
20  call c_put(my_map, str(i), iptr)
21  call assert_equals(i, c_size(my_map), "map_type size incremented with put")
22  end do
24  do j=1,10
25  v = j * 10
26  allocate(iptr, source=v)
27  call c_put(my_map, str(j), iptr)
28  call assert_equals(10, c_size(my_map), "map_type size remains unchanged after duplicate key")
29  end do
31  call c_free(my_map)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_map_type_put_unique()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_map_type_put_unique

Definition at line 36 of file test_collections.F90.

37  type(map_type) :: my_map
38  integer :: i
39  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
41  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_map), "map_type is empty")
43  do i=1,10
44  allocate(iptr, source=i)
45  call c_put(my_map, "A", iptr)
46  data=>c_get(my_map, "A")
47  select type(data)
48  type is (integer)
49  call assert_equals(i, data, "Value of key-value pair is correct")
50  class default
51  call add_fail("Unknown type")
52  end select
53  call assert_equals(1, c_size(my_map), "Size of may is one due to unique key")
54  end do
56  call c_free(my_map)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_map_type_remove()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_map_type_remove

Definition at line 126 of file test_collections.F90.

127  type(map_type) :: my_map
128  integer :: i, j, v
129  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
131  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_map), "map_type is empty")
133  do i=1,10
134  v=i*10
135  allocate(iptr, source=v)
136  call c_put(my_map, str(i), iptr)
137  data=>c_get(my_map, str(i))
138  select type(data)
139  type is (integer)
140  call assert_equals(i*10, data, "Value of key is consistent")
141  class default
142  call add_fail("Unknown type")
143  end select
144  end do
146  do j=1,10
147  call assert_true(c_contains(my_map, str(11-j)), "map_type contains the key pre-removal")
148  call c_remove(my_map, str(11-j))
149  call assert_false(c_contains(my_map, str(11-j)), "map_type does not contain the key post-removal")
150  call assert_equals(10-j, c_size(my_map), "Size of map_type is consistent post-removal")
151  end do
152  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_map), "map_type is empty at the end")
154  call c_free(my_map)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_queue_type_pointers()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_queue_type_pointers

Definition at line 213 of file test_collections.F90.

214  type(queue_type) :: my_queue
215  integer, target :: i
216  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
217  i=20
218  iptr=>i
219  call c_push(my_queue, iptr)
220  i=50
221  data=>c_pop(my_queue)
222  select type(data)
223  type is (integer)
224  call assert_equals(50, data, "Queue data modified by changing the original variable")
225  class default
226  call add_fail("Unknown type")
227  end select
229  call c_free(my_queue)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_queue_type_push_pop()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_queue_type_push_pop

Definition at line 233 of file test_collections.F90.

234  type(queue_type) :: my_queue
235  integer :: i,j
236  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
238  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_queue), "Queue is empty")
240  do i=1,10
241  allocate(iptr, source=i)
242  call c_push(my_queue, iptr)
243  call assert_equals(i, c_size(my_queue), "Queue size increases as elements are pushed")
244  end do
246  call assert_equals(.false., c_is_empty(my_queue), "Queue is not empty after elements pushed")
248  do j=1,10
249  data => c_pop(my_queue)
250  select type(data)
251  type is (integer)
252  call assert_equals(data, j, "Queue popped element is FIFO")
253  call assert_equals(10-j, c_size(my_queue), "Queue pop removes element")
254  class default
255  call add_fail("Type unknown")
256  end select
257  end do
259  call c_free(my_queue)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_stack_type_pointers()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_stack_type_pointers

Definition at line 164 of file test_collections.F90.

165  type(stack_type) :: my_stack
166  integer, target :: i
167  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
168  i=20
169  iptr=>i
170  call c_push(my_stack, iptr)
171  i=50
172  data=>c_pop(my_stack)
173  select type(data)
174  type is (integer)
175  call assert_equals(50, data, "Stack data modified through changing original variable")
176  class default
177  call add_fail("Unknown type")
178  end select
180  call c_free(my_stack)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ test_stack_type_push_pop()

subroutine test_collections_mod::test_stack_type_push_pop

Definition at line 184 of file test_collections.F90.

185  type(stack_type) :: my_stack
186  integer :: i,j
187  class(*), pointer :: iptr, data
189  call assert_equals(.true., c_is_empty(my_stack), "Stack is empty")
191  do i=1,10
192  allocate(iptr, source=i)
193  call c_push(my_stack, iptr)
194  call assert_equals(i, c_size(my_stack), "Size of stack_type increasing as data pushed")
195  end do
197  call assert_equals(.false., c_is_empty(my_stack), "Stack is not empty after values pushed")
199  do j=1,10
200  data => c_pop(my_stack)
201  select type(data)
202  type is (integer)
203  call assert_equals(data, 11-j, "Stack pop gives LIFO value")
204  call assert_equals(10-j, c_size(my_stack), "Stack pop removes the LIFO value")
205  class default
206  call add_fail("Type unknown")
207  end select
208  end do
210  call c_free(my_stack)
Here is the caller graph for this function: