type(component_descriptor_type) function, public | lowerbc_mod::lowerbc_get_descriptor () |
| Descriptor of this component for registration. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::initialisation_callback (current_state) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::finalisation_callback (current_state) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::allocate_applicable_fields (current_state) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::timestep_callback (current_state) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::compute_lower_boundary_conditions (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, zu, zv, zth, th, zq, q) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::register_async_wrapping_recv_requests (current_state) |
| Registers asynchronous wrapping recv requests as needed. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::complete_async_wrapping (current_state, zth, zq) |
| Completes the asynchronous wrapping if required for periodic boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::package_y_wrapping_send_buffer (current_state, zth, zq, first_y_index, second_y_index) |
| Packages theta and Q fields (if enabled) into the send buffer for Y. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::package_x_wrapping_send_buffer (current_state, zth, zq, first_x_index, second_x_index) |
| Packages theta and Q fields (if enabled) into the send buffer for X. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::unpackage_y_wrapping_recv_buffer (current_state, zth, zq, first_y_index, second_y_index) |
| Unpackages theta and Q fields from the receive buffer into the fields themselves (if enabled) for Y. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::unpackage_x_wrapping_recv_buffer (current_state, zth, zq, first_x_index, second_x_index) |
| Unpackages theta and Q fields from the receive buffer into the fields themselves (if enabled) for X. More...
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::handle_convective_fluxes (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, horizontal_velocity_at_k2, th, q) |
real(kind=default_precision) function | lowerbc_mod::look (current_state, vel) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::handle_neutral_fluxes (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, horizontal_velocity_at_k2, th, q) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::handle_stable_fluxes (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, horizontal_velocity_at_k2, th, q) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::compute_using_fixed_surface_fluxes (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, horizontal_velocity_at_k2, th, q) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::compute_using_fixed_surface_temperature (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, horizontal_velocity_at_k2, zth, th, zq, q) |
subroutine | lowerbc_mod::simple_boundary_values (current_state, current_y_index, current_x_index, th, q) |
integer function | lowerbc_mod::mostbc (current_state, delu, delt, z1, ustrdg, tstrdg) |
| Solves the Monin-Obukhov equations in the case of specified surface values of temperature and mixing ratio,combined into a specified value of virtual temperature. It is a modified version of the subroutine described in Bull and Derbyshire (TDN197) based on the assumption that the similarity functions and roughness lengths for temperature and mixing ratio are the same. In that case, all the original theory can be used if we replace temperature by virtual temperature. The form of the non-dimensionalised wind shear used is 1.0 + BETAM z/L for the stable case and (1.0 - GAMMAM z/L)**1/4 for the unstable case. The form of the non-dimensionalised temperature gradient used is 1.0 + BETAH z/L for the stable case and (1.0 - GAMMAH z/L)**1/2 for the unstable case. More...
integer function | lowerbc_mod::solve_monin_obukhov_unstable_case (delu, delt, ellmocon, ustrdg, tstrdg, vertical_grid) |
integer function | lowerbc_mod::solve_monin_obukhov_stable_case (delu, delt, zlogm, cmbc, ustrdg, tstrdg) |
integer, parameter | lowerbc_mod::convergence_success =1 |
integer, parameter | lowerbc_mod::convergence_richardson_too_large =2 |
integer, parameter | lowerbc_mod::convergence_failure =3 |
real(kind=default_precision), parameter | lowerbc_mod::smth = 0.05_DEFAULT_PRECISION |
real(kind=default_precision), parameter | lowerbc_mod::tolm =1.0E-4_DEFAULT_PRECISION |
real(kind=default_precision), parameter | lowerbc_mod::tolt =1.0E-4_DEFAULT_PRECISION |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::tstrcona |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::rhmbc |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::ddbc |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::ddbc_x4 |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::eecon |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::r2ddbc |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::rcmbc |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::tstrconb |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::x4con |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::xx0con |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::y2con |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::yy0con |
real(kind=default_precision) | lowerbc_mod::viscous_courant_coefficient |
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | lowerbc_mod::x_wrapping_send_buffer |
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | lowerbc_mod::y_wrapping_send_buffer |
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | lowerbc_mod::x_wrapping_recv_buffer |
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | lowerbc_mod::y_wrapping_recv_buffer |
integer | lowerbc_mod::iqv |
integer, dimension(4) | lowerbc_mod::wrapping_comm_requests |
integer | lowerbc_mod::y_wrapping_target_id |
integer | lowerbc_mod::x_wrapping_target_id |