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collections_mod::c_get_real Interface Reference

Gets a specific double precision real element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key. More...

Private Member Functions

real(kind=default_precision) function list_get_real (specificlist, i)
 Retrieves the element at index i from the list. Converts between precision and from int. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function stack_get_real (specificstack, i)
 Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified. Converts between precision and from int. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function queue_get_real (specificqueue, i)
 Returns a specific queue element at an index. Converts between precision and from int. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function map_get_real (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. This converts between precision and from ints. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function hashmap_get_real (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. Converts between precision and from int. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function mapentry_get_real (mapentry_item)
 Retrieves the double precision real value from a map entry. More...

Detailed Description

Gets a specific double precision real element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key.

This has a time complexity of O(n)

collectionThe specific list, stack, queue or map involved
keyString look up key
Double precision real value associated with the key or raises an error if none exists

Definition at line 399 of file collections.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ hashmap_get_real()

real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::c_get_real::hashmap_get_real ( type(hashmap_type), intent(inout)  specificmap,
character(len=*), intent(in)  key 

Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. Converts between precision and from int.

Do not call directly from external module, this is called via the appropriate interface

specificmapThe specific hashmap involved
keyLook up key
Double precision real value associated with the key or raises an error if none is found

Definition at line 1731 of file collections.F90.

1732  type(hashmap_type), intent(inout) :: specificmap
1733  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
1734  real(kind=default_precision) :: hashmap_get_real
1736  class(*), pointer :: generic
1738  generic=>hashmap_get_generic(specificmap, key)
1739  if (.not. associated(generic)) call log_log(log_error, "Can not find real entry with key '"//trim(key)//"'")
1740  select type(vr=>generic)
1741  type is (real(kind=default_precision))
1742  hashmap_get_real=vr
1743  type is (real)
1744  hashmap_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(vr)
1745  type is (integer)
1746  hashmap_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(conv_to_real(vr))
1747  end select

◆ list_get_real()

real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::c_get_real::list_get_real ( type(list_type), intent(inout)  specificlist,
integer, intent(in)  i 

Retrieves the element at index i from the list. Converts between precision and from int.

Do not call directly from external module, this is called via the appropriate interface

specificlistThe specific list involved
iIndex to look up
Double precision real data in the list or raises an error if none is found

Definition at line 3074 of file collections.F90.

3075  type(list_type), intent(inout) :: specificlist
3076  integer, intent(in) :: i
3077  real(kind=default_precision) :: list_get_real
3079  class(*), pointer :: generic
3081  generic=>list_get_generic(specificlist, i)
3082  if (.not. associated(generic)) call log_log(log_error, "Can not get real from list at index "//trim(conv_to_string(i)))
3083  select type(vr=>generic)
3084  type is (real(kind=default_precision))
3085  list_get_real=vr
3086  type is (real)
3087  list_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(vr)
3088  type is (integer)
3089  list_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(conv_to_real(vr))
3090  end select

◆ map_get_real()

real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::c_get_real::map_get_real ( type(map_type), intent(inout)  specificmap,
character(len=*), intent(in)  key 

Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. This converts between precision and from ints.

Do not call directly from external module, this is called via the appropriate interface

specificmapThe specific map involved
keyLook up key
Real value associated with the key or raises an error if none is found

Definition at line 1093 of file collections.F90.

1094  type(map_type), intent(inout) :: specificmap
1095  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
1096  real(kind=default_precision) :: map_get_real
1098  class(*), pointer :: generic
1100  generic=>map_get_generic(specificmap, key)
1101  if (.not. associated(generic)) call log_log(log_error, "Can not find real entry with key '"//trim(key)//"'")
1102  select type(vr=>generic)
1103  type is (real(kind=default_precision))
1104  map_get_real=vr
1105  type is (real)
1106  map_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(vr)
1107  type is (integer)
1108  map_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(conv_to_real(vr))
1109  end select

◆ mapentry_get_real()

real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::c_get_real::mapentry_get_real ( type(mapentry_type), intent(in)  mapentry_item)

Retrieves the double precision real value from a map entry.

mapentry_itemThe map entry to retrieve the double precision real value from (auto converts from single/ints)

Definition at line 3346 of file collections.F90.

3347  type(mapentry_type), intent(in) :: mapentry_item
3348  real(kind=default_precision) :: mapentry_get_real
3350  class(*), pointer :: generic
3352  generic=>mapentry_item%value
3353  if (.not. associated(generic)) call log_log(log_error, "Can not get real from map entry")
3354  select type(vr=>generic)
3355  type is (real(kind=default_precision))
3356  mapentry_get_real=vr
3357  type is (real)
3358  mapentry_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(vr)
3359  type is (integer)
3360  mapentry_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(conv_to_real(vr))
3361  end select

◆ queue_get_real()

real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::c_get_real::queue_get_real ( type(queue_type), intent(inout)  specificqueue,
integer, intent(in)  i 

Returns a specific queue element at an index. Converts between precision and from int.

Do not call directly from external module, this is called via the appropriate interface

specificqueueThe specific queue involved
iThe index to look up
Double precision real element at i or raises an error if none is found

Definition at line 2680 of file collections.F90.

2681  type(queue_type), intent(inout) :: specificqueue
2682  integer, intent(in) :: i
2683  real(kind=default_precision) :: queue_get_real
2685  class(*), pointer :: generic
2687  generic=>queue_get_generic(specificqueue, i)
2688  if (.not. associated(generic)) call log_log(log_error, "Can not get real from queue at index "//trim(conv_to_string(i)))
2689  select type(vr=>generic)
2690  type is (real(kind=default_precision))
2691  queue_get_real=vr
2692  type is (real)
2693  queue_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(vr)
2694  type is (integer)
2695  queue_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(conv_to_real(vr))
2696  end select

◆ stack_get_real()

real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::c_get_real::stack_get_real ( type(stack_type), intent(inout)  specificstack,
integer, intent(in)  i 

Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified. Converts between precision and from int.

Do not call directly from external module, this is called via the appropriate interface

specificstackThe specific stack involved
iThe index to retrieve the element at
Double precision real data or raises an error if none is found

Definition at line 2384 of file collections.F90.

2385  type(stack_type), intent(inout) :: specificstack
2386  integer, intent(in) :: i
2387  real(kind=default_precision) :: stack_get_real
2389  class(*), pointer :: generic
2391  generic=>stack_get_generic(specificstack, i)
2392  if (.not. associated(generic)) call log_log(log_error, "Can not get real from stack at index "//trim(conv_to_string(i)))
2393  select type(vr=>generic)
2394  type is (real(kind=default_precision))
2395  stack_get_real=vr
2396  type is (real)
2397  stack_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(vr)
2398  type is (integer)
2399  stack_get_real=conv_single_real_to_double(conv_to_real(vr))
2400  end select

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
integer, parameter, public log_error
Only log ERROR messages.
Definition: logging.F90:11
subroutine, public log_log(level, message, str)
Logs a message at the specified level. If the level is above the current level then the message is ig...
Definition: logging.F90:75
integer, parameter, public default_precision
MPI communication type which we use for the prognostic and calculation data.
Definition: datadefn.F90:17