Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
collections.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  collections_mod::listnode_type
 Private list node which holds the raw generic node data and pointers to next and previous list nodes. More...
type  collections_mod::mapnode_type
 Private map key-value pair data structure. More...
type  collections_mod::setnode_type
 Private set key structure. More...
type  collections_mod::mapentry_type
type  collections_mod::iterator_type
type  collections_mod::list_type
 List data structure which implements a doubly linked list. This list will preserve its order. More...
type  collections_mod::queue_type
 Queue (FIFO) data structure. More...
type  collections_mod::stack_type
 Stack (FILO) data structure. More...
type  collections_mod::map_type
 Map data structure that holds string (length 20 maximum) key value pairs. More...
type  collections_mod::hashmap_type
 A hashmap structure, the same as a map but uses hashing for greatly improved performance when storing large numbers of entries, with the lookup complexisty being almost constant (assuming good hash distribution.) Note that this does require more storage than a map and unlike a map does not preserve ordering. More...
type  collections_mod::hashset_type
 Hashset structure which will store unique strings. The hashing aspect means that lookup is very fast but it does add extra memory overhead and the order is non-deterministic. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_push_generic
 Pushes a generic element onto the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_push_integer
 Pushes an integer element onto the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_push_string
 Pushes a string element onto the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_push_real
 Pushes a double precision real element onto the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_push_logical
 Pushes a logical element onto the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_pop_generic
 Pops a generic element off the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_pop_integer
 Pops an integer element off the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_pop_string
 Pops a string off the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_pop_real
 Pops a double precision real element off the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_pop_logical
 Pops a logical element off the stack or queue. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_add_generic
 Adds a generic element to the end of the list. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_add_integer
 Adds an integer element to the end of the list. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_add_string
 Adds a string to the end of the list. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_add_real
 Adds a double precision real element to the end of the list. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_add_logical
 Adds a logical element to the end of the list. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_insert_generic
 Inserts a generic element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_insert_integer
 Inserts an integer element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_insert_string
 Inserts a string into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_insert_real
 Inserts a double precision real element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_insert_logical
 Inserts a logical element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_put_generic
 Puts a generic key-value pair into the map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_put_integer
 Puts an integer key-value pair into the map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_put_string
 Puts a string key-value pair into the map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_put_real
 Puts a double precision real key-value pair into the map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_put_logical
 Puts a logical key-value pair into the map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_get_generic
 Gets a specific generic element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_get_integer
 Gets a specific integer element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_get_string
 Gets a specific string element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_get_real
 Gets a specific double precision real element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_get_logical
 Gets a specific logical element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the corresponding key. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_remove
 Removes a specific element from the list or map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_size
 Returns the number of elements in the collection. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_is_empty
 Returns whether a collection is empty. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_contains
 Determines whether or not a map contains a specific key. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_key_at
 Retrieves the key currently being held at a specific index in the map or "" if the index > map elements. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_generic_at
 Retrieves the generic value held at the specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_integer_at
 Retrieves the integer value held at the specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_string_at
 Retrieves the string value held at the specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_real_at
 Retrieves the double precision real value held at the specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_logical_at
 Retrieves the logical value held at the specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_generic_entry_at
 Retrieves a map entry at a specific index or null if index > map elements. This is more efficient than calling key at and then value at (or get with the key) as only requires one search for both the key and value. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_integer_entry_at
 Retrieves a map entry at a specific index. This is more efficient than calling key at and then value at (or get with the key) as only requires one search for both the key and value. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_string_entry_at
 Retrieves a map entry at a specific index. This is more efficient than calling key at and then value at (or get with the key) as only requires one search for both the key and value. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_real_entry_at
 Retrieves a map entry at a specific index. This is more efficient than calling key at and then value at (or get with the key) as only requires one search for both the key and value. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_logical_entry_at
 Retrieves a map entry at a specific index. This is more efficient than calling key at and then value at (or get with the key) as only requires one search for both the key and value. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_free
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a list, stack, queue or map. More...
interface  collections_mod::c_get_iterator
interface  collections_mod::c_has_next
interface  collections_mod::c_next_integer
interface  collections_mod::c_next_string
interface  collections_mod::c_next_real
interface  collections_mod::c_next_logical
interface  collections_mod::c_next_mapentry
interface  collections_mod::c_next_generic


module  collections_mod
 Collection data structures.


type(iterator_type) function collections_mod::map_get_iterator (specificmap)
 Retrieves an iterator representation of the map, ready to access the first element. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_put_int (specificmap, key, int_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the map. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_put_string (specificmap, key, str_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the map. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_put_real (specificmap, key, real_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the map. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_put_logical (specificmap, key, logical_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the map. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_put_generic (specificmap, key, data, memory_allocation_automatic)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the map. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_contains_key (specificmap, key)
 Determines whether or not a map contains a specific key. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::map_key_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the key currently being held at a specific index in the map or "" if the index > map elements. More...
integer function collections_mod::map_integer_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the integer value held at the specific map index. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::map_string_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the string value held at the specific map index. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::map_real_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the real value held at the specific map index. Converts between precision and int. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_logical_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the logical value held at the specific map index. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::map_generic_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the generic value held at the specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_integer_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, int_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_string_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, str_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_real_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, real_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index or null if index > map elements. This converts precision and from ints. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_logical_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, logical_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_generic_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_remove (specificmap, key)
 Removes a specific key-value pair from the map. More...
integer function collections_mod::map_get_int (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::map_get_string (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::map_get_real (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. This converts between precision and from ints. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_get_logical (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::map_get_generic (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the map with the corresponding key. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::map_getnode (specificmap, key, foundindex)
 This gets the map node that the key represents (rather than the specific value) More...
integer function collections_mod::map_size (specificmap)
 Returns the number of elements in the map. More...
logical function collections_mod::map_is_empty (specificmap)
 Returns whether a map is empty. More...
subroutine collections_mod::map_free (specificmap)
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a specific map. More...
type(iterator_type) function collections_mod::hashmap_get_iterator (specificmap)
 Retrieves an iterator representation of the hashmap, ready to access the first element. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_put_int (specificmap, key, int_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the hashmap. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_put_string (specificmap, key, str_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the hashmap. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_put_real (specificmap, key, real_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the hashmap. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_put_logical (specificmap, key, logical_data)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the hashmap. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_put_generic (specificmap, key, data, memory_allocation_automatic)
 Puts a specific key-value pair into the hashmap. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_contains_key (specificmap, key)
 Determines whether or not a hashmap contains a specific key. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::hashmap_key_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the key currently being held at a specific index in the hashmap or "" if the index > map elements. Note that this is an expensive operation has it has to potentially process all internal hashed lists so avoid if can. More...
integer function collections_mod::hashmap_integer_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the value held at the specific hashmap index. Note that this is an expensive operation has it has to potentially process all internal hashed lists so avoid if can. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::hashmap_string_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the value held at the specific hashmap index. Note that this is an expensive operation has it has to potentially process all internal hashed lists so avoid if can. More...
integer function collections_mod::hashmap_real_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the value held at the specific hashmap index. Converts between precision and from int. Note that this is an expensive operation has it has to potentially process all internal hashed lists so avoid if can. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_logical_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the value held at the specific hashmap index. Note that this is an expensive operation has it has to potentially process all internal hashed lists so avoid if can. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::hashmap_generic_at (specificmap, i)
 Retrieves the value held at the specific hashmap index or null if index > map elements. Note that this is an expensive operation has it has to potentially process all internal hashed lists so avoid if can. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_integer_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, int_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_string_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, str_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_real_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, real_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index. This converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_logical_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, logical_val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_generic_entry_at (specificmap, i, key, val)
 Retrieves the entry at a specific map index or null if index > map elements. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_remove (specificmap, key)
 Removes a specific key-value pair from the hashmap. More...
integer function collections_mod::hashmap_get_int (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::hashmap_get_string (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::hashmap_get_real (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. Converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_get_logical (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::hashmap_get_generic (specificmap, key)
 Gets a specific element out of the hashmap with the corresponding key. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::hashmap_getnode (specificmap, key, key_location)
 This gets the hashmap node that the key represents (rather than the specific value) More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::hashmap_getnode_atindex (specificmap, index)
 This gets the hashmap node at a specific index, from the first hash linked list to the end. More...
integer function collections_mod::hashmap_size (specificmap)
 Returns the number of elements in the hashmap. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashmap_is_empty (specificmap)
 Returns whether a hashmap is empty. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashmap_free (specificmap)
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a specific hashmap. More...
type(iterator_type) function collections_mod::hashset_get_iterator (specificset)
 Retrieves an iterator representation of the hashset, ready to access the first element. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashset_add (specificset, key)
 Adds a string to the hashset which stores unique strings, therefore if the string already exists then this is ignored. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashset_remove (specificset, key)
 Removes a string from the hashset. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashset_contains (specificset, key)
 Determines wheter the hashset contains a specific key or not. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashset_getlocation (specificset, key, hash, key_location)
 Determines the location and hash of a key within a specific hashset. The hash is set regardless of whether the key is found (assuming the set data structure is allocated) and corresponds to the entry in the hash table. The location is set if the key is found and is the entry in the linked list of a specific hash table entry. This is zero if no key is in the hash set. More...
logical function collections_mod::hashset_is_empty (specificset)
 Determines whether or not the hashset is empty. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::hashset_get_string (specificset, index)
 Retrieves the key at index i from the set or empty string if index < list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::hashset_free (specificset)
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a specific set. More...
integer function collections_mod::hashset_size (specificset)
 Returns the number of elements in a list. More...
integer function collections_mod::get_hashkey (key)
 Translates the string key into a hash from 1 to hash_size (inclusive.) This encoding is deterministic, so will result in the same hash for a key on multiple calls and is therefore used as the basis of our hashing collections. More...
type(iterator_type) function collections_mod::stack_get_iterator (specificstack)
 Retrieves an iterator representation of the stack, ready to access the first element. More...
subroutine collections_mod::stack_push_int (specificstack, int_data)
 Pushes an element onto the stack (LIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::stack_push_string (specificstack, str_data)
 Pushes an element onto the stack (LIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::stack_push_real (specificstack, real_data)
 Pushes an element onto the stack (LIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::stack_push_logical (specificstack, logical_data)
 Pushes an element onto the stack (LIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::stack_push_generic (specificstack, data, memory_allocation_automatic)
 Pushes an element onto the stack (LIFO) More...
integer function collections_mod::stack_pop_int (specificstack)
 Pops an element off the stack (LIFO) More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::stack_pop_string (specificstack)
 Pops an element off the stack (LIFO) More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::stack_pop_real (specificstack)
 Pops an element off the stack (LIFO). Converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::stack_pop_logical (specificstack)
 Pops an element off the stack (LIFO) More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::stack_pop_generic (specificstack)
 Pops an element off the stack (LIFO) More...
integer function collections_mod::stack_get_int (specificstack, i)
 Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::stack_get_string (specificstack, i)
 Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::stack_get_real (specificstack, i)
 Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified. Converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::stack_get_logical (specificstack, i)
 Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::stack_get_generic (specificstack, i)
 Gets a specific element from the stack at index specified or null if the index > stack size. More...
integer function collections_mod::stack_size (specificstack)
 Returns the number of elements held on the stack. More...
logical function collections_mod::stack_is_empty (specificstack)
 Returns whether a stack is empty. More...
subroutine collections_mod::stack_free (specificstack)
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a specific stack. More...
type(iterator_type) function collections_mod::queue_get_iterator (specificqueue)
 Retrieves an iterator representation of the queue, ready to access the first element. More...
subroutine collections_mod::queue_push_int (specificqueue, int_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the queue (FIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::queue_push_string (specificqueue, str_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the queue (FIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::queue_push_real (specificqueue, real_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the queue (FIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::queue_push_logical (specificqueue, logical_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the queue (FIFO) More...
subroutine collections_mod::queue_push_generic (specificqueue, data, memory_allocation_automatic)
 Adds an element to the end of the queue (FIFO) More...
integer function collections_mod::queue_pop_int (specificqueue)
 Pops the queue element off the head of the queue (FIFO) More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::queue_pop_string (specificqueue)
 Pops the queue element off the head of the queue (FIFO) More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::queue_pop_real (specificqueue)
 Pops the queue element off the head of the queue (FIFO). Converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::queue_pop_logical (specificqueue)
 Pops the queue element off the head of the queue (FIFO) More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::queue_pop_generic (specificqueue)
 Pops the queue element off the head of the queue (FIFO) More...
integer function collections_mod::queue_get_int (specificqueue, i)
 Returns a specific queue element at an index. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::queue_get_string (specificqueue, i)
 Returns a specific queue element at an index. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::queue_get_real (specificqueue, i)
 Returns a specific queue element at an index. Converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::queue_get_logical (specificqueue, i)
 Returns a specific queue element at an index. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::queue_get_generic (specificqueue, i)
 Returns a specific queue element at an index or null if index > queue size. More...
integer function collections_mod::queue_size (specificqueue)
 Returns the number of elements held in a queue. More...
logical function collections_mod::queue_is_empty (specificqueue)
 Returns whether a queue is empty. More...
subroutine collections_mod::queue_free (specificqueue)
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a specific queue. More...
type(iterator_type) function collections_mod::list_get_iterator (specificlist)
 Retrieves an iterator representation of the list, ready to access the first element. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_insert_int (specificlist, int_data, i)
 Inserts an element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_insert_string (specificlist, str_data, i)
 Inserts an element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_insert_real (specificlist, real_data, i)
 Inserts an element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_insert_logical (specificlist, logical_data, i)
 Inserts an element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_insert_generic (specificlist, data, i, memory_allocation_automatic)
 Inserts an element into the list or places at the end if the index > list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_add_int (specificlist, int_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the list. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_add_string (specificlist, str_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the list. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_add_real (specificlist, real_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the list. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_add_logical (specificlist, logical_data)
 Adds an element to the end of the list. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_add_generic (specificlist, data, memory_allocation_automatic)
 Adds an element to the end of the list. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_remove (specificlist, i)
 Removes an element from the list at a specific index. More...
logical function collections_mod::list_is_empty (specificlist)
 Determines whether or not the list is empty. More...
integer function collections_mod::list_get_int (specificlist, i)
 Retrieves the element at index i from the list. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::list_get_string (specificlist, i)
 Retrieves the element at index i from the list. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::list_get_real (specificlist, i)
 Retrieves the element at index i from the list. Converts between precision and from int. More...
logical function collections_mod::list_get_logical (specificlist, i)
 Retrieves the element at index i from the list. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::list_get_generic (specificlist, i)
 Retrieves the element at index i from the list or null if index < list size. More...
subroutine collections_mod::list_free (specificlist)
 Frees up all the allocatable, heap, memory associated with a specific list. More...
integer function collections_mod::list_size (specificlist)
 Returns the number of elements in a list. More...
logical function collections_mod::iteratior_has_next (iterator)
 Deduces whether an iterator has a next entry or not. More...
integer function collections_mod::iterator_get_next_integer (iterator)
 Returns the next integer referenced by the iterator and advanced it, or an error if it has reached the end of iteration. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::iterator_get_next_string (iterator)
 Returns the next string referenced by the iterator and advanced it, or an error if it has reached the end of iteration. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::iterator_get_next_real (iterator)
 Returns the next real (double precision) referenced by the iterator and advanced it,
or an error if it has reached the end of iteration. More...
logical function collections_mod::iterator_get_next_logical (iterator)
 Returns the next logical referenced by the iterator and advanced it, or an error if it has reached the end of iteration. More...
type(mapentry_type) function collections_mod::iterator_get_next_mapentry (iterator)
 Returns the next mapentry referenced by the iterator and advanced it, or an error if it has reached the end of iteration or the next item was not a mapentry. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::iterator_get_next_generic (iterator)
 Returns the next generic referenced by the iterator and advanced it, or null if it has reached the end of iteration. More...
integer function collections_mod::mapentry_get_int (mapentry_item)
 Retrieves the integer value from a map entry. More...
character(len=string_length) function collections_mod::mapentry_get_string (mapentry_item)
 Retrieves the string value from a map entry. More...
real(kind=default_precision) function collections_mod::mapentry_get_real (mapentry_item)
 Retrieves the double precision real value from a map entry. More...
logical function collections_mod::mapentry_get_logical (mapentry_item)
 Retrieves the logical value from a map entry. More...
class(*) function, pointer collections_mod::mapentry_get_generic (mapentry_item)
 Retrieves the generic value from a map entry. More...


integer, parameter, private collections_mod::hash_size = 4993
 Number of entries in the hash table, this is a tradeoff - larger means more memory but smaller runtime assuming a hashing function with good distribution. More...