subroutine, public | registry_mod::init_registry (options_database) |
| Initialises the registry with the provided configuration file. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::free_registry () |
| Will deregister all components and free up the registry data structures. This can either be called at the end of execution to clean memory up or used to clear the registry. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::register_component (options_database, descriptor) |
| Will register a component and install the nescesary callback hooks. More...
logical function, public | registry_mod::is_component_field_available (name) |
| Determines whether a specific published field is available or not. More...
type(component_field_value_type) function, public | registry_mod::get_component_field_value (current_state, name) |
| Retrieves the value wrapper of a components published field. More...
type(component_field_information_type) function, public | registry_mod::get_component_field_information (current_state, name) |
| Retrieves information about a components published field which includes its type and size. More...
type(list_type) function, public | registry_mod::get_all_component_published_fields () |
| Retrieves all of the published field information. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::load_published_fields (descriptor) |
| Loads the published fields information for an entire component into the registry's definition list. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::deregister_component (name) |
| Will deregister a component, remove all callback hooks and free registry specific memory allocated to the component. More...
type(component_descriptor_type) function, pointer, public | registry_mod::get_component_info (name) |
| Retrieves detailed information about a specific component. More...
type(map_type) function, public | registry_mod::get_all_registered_components () |
| Returns a brief summary of all registered components. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::execute_initialisation_callbacks (current_state) |
| Calls all initialisation callbacks with the specified state. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::execute_timestep_callbacks (current_state, group_id) |
| Calls all timestep callbacks with the specified state. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::execute_finalisation_callbacks (current_state) |
| Calls all finalisation callbacks with the specified state. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::order_all_callbacks () |
| Orders all callbacks in the prospective stages based upon the priorities of each descriptor. More...
type(map_type) function | registry_mod::order_grouped_timstep_callbacks (group_id) |
logical function, public | registry_mod::is_component_enabled (options_database, component_name) |
| Determines whether or not a specific component is registered and enabled. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::display_callbacks_in_order_at_each_stage () |
| Displays the registered callbacks of each stage in the order that they will be called. More...
subroutine, public | registry_mod::get_ordered_groups (ordered_groups) |
| Orders all the groups (in the order that they will be called in) and returns an array with these in order. This is useful for prefetching the groups in order so that per timestep we can just iterate through the array which is O(n) More...
integer function | registry_mod::get_group_id (group_name) |
| Given a group name this returns the id (i.e. order) of that group. More...
type(group_descriptor_type) function | registry_mod::get_group_descriptor_from_name (group_name) |
| Given a group name this returns the group descriptor corresponding to that or an error if none is found. More...
type(group_descriptor_type) function | registry_mod::get_group_descriptor_from_id (group_id) |
| Given the id of a group this will return the corresponding descriptor. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::display_callbacks_in_order (stage_callbacks, stagetitle) |
| Displays the registered callbacks of a specific stage in the order that they will be called. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::read_initialisation_and_finalisation_orders (options_database) |
subroutine | registry_mod::read_specific_orders (options_database, key, data_structure) |
subroutine | registry_mod::read_group_configurations (options_database) |
subroutine | registry_mod::remove_descriptor (descriptor) |
| Will remove a specific descriptor from the registry table and uninstall the corresponding callback hooks for each state. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::unload_callback_hooks (descriptor, group_name) |
| Will unload the callback hooks that have been installed for each state. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::load_callback_hooks (descriptor, group_name) |
| Will install the callback hooks for each state. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::rebalance_callbacks (callbacks, priorities, stage_name) |
integer function | registry_mod::get_highest_callback_priority (callbacks, priorities) |
subroutine | registry_mod::execute_callbacks (callback_map, current_state) |
| Will execute the appropriate callbacks in a specific map_type given the current state. More...
subroutine | registry_mod::add_callback (callback_map, name, procedure_pointer) |
| Will install a specific callback hook into the specified map_type of existing hooks. More...
integer, parameter, public | registry_mod::group_type_whole =0 |
| Execute the callbacks in this group once per timestep. More...
integer, parameter, public | registry_mod::group_type_column =1 |
| Execute the callbacks in this group for each column per timestep. More...
type(list_type), save | registry_mod::field_information |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | registry_mod::group_types |
| Group types. More...
character(len=string_length), dimension(:), allocatable | registry_mod::enabled_component_input_keys |
| Temporary read array of component enable names. More...
character(len=string_length), dimension(:), allocatable | registry_mod::group_locations |
| Provides an id to each group. More...
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::init_callbacks |
| Callback hooks for the initialisation stage. More...
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::finalisation_callbacks |
| Callback hooks for the finalisation stage. More...
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::component_descriptions |
| Copies of component descriptors. More...
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::group_descriptors |
| Group descriptors for each group, name->descriptor. More...
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::component_groups |
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::init_orderings |
type(map_type), save | registry_mod::finalisation_orderings |
type(hashmap_type), save | registry_mod::field_procedure_retrievals |
type(hashmap_type), save | registry_mod::field_procedure_sizings |
type(map_type), dimension(:), allocatable | registry_mod::timestep_callbacks |
| Callback hooks for the timestep stage. More...