subroutine, public | logging_mod::initialise_logging (pid) |
| Initialises the logging. This is done to make it easier for master logging only, so that we don't have to pass the process ID in each time. More...
subroutine, public | logging_mod::log_master_log (level, message) |
| Will log just from the master process. More...
subroutine, public | logging_mod::log_master_newline () |
| The master process will log a new line to stdio. More...
logical function, public | logging_mod::log_is_master () |
| Determines whether the process is the master logging process. This might be preferable rather than calling masterLog due to having to construct the message for masterLog regardless. More...
subroutine, public | logging_mod::log_log (level, message, str) |
| Logs a message at the specified level. If the level is above the current level then the message is ignored. If applicable then the message will be written to stdout or a provided string. More...
subroutine, public | logging_mod::log_newline () |
| Will log a new line to the stdout. More...
character(len=7) function | logging_mod::get_logging_preamble (level) |
| Returns the string preamble that applies to the specific logging level. More...
subroutine, public | logging_mod::log_set_logging_level (level) |
| Sets the logging level, messages with less priority will be ignored. More...
integer function, public | logging_mod::log_get_logging_level () |
| Retrieves the current logging level. More...
integer, parameter, private | logging_mod::master_process = 0 |
integer, parameter, public | logging_mod::log_error = 1 |
| Only log ERROR messages. More...
integer, parameter, public | logging_mod::log_warn = 2 |
| Log WARNING and ERROR messages. More...
integer, parameter, public | logging_mod::log_info = 3 |
| Log INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages. More...
integer, parameter, public | logging_mod::log_debug = 4 |
| Log DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages. More...
character(len= *), parameter | logging_mod::error_preamble = "[ERROR]" |
| Error message preamble. More...
character(len= *), parameter | logging_mod::warn_preamble = "[WARN]" |
| Warning message preable. More...
character(len= *), parameter | logging_mod::info_preamble = "[INFO]" |
| Info message preamble. More...
character(len= *), parameter | logging_mod::debug_preamble = "[DEBUG]" |
| Debug message preamble. More...
integer | logging_mod::current_log_level =LOG_INFO |
| Private current logging state, the default is INFO level. More...
logical, parameter | logging_mod::error_is_fatal =.true. |
| Whether an error log message is fatal and stops execution. More...
logical, save | logging_mod::i_am_master =.true. |
| Whether or not I am the master process. More...