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logging.F90 File Reference

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module  logging_mod
 Logging utility.


subroutine, public logging_mod::initialise_logging (pid)
 Initialises the logging. This is done to make it easier for master logging only, so that we don't have to pass the process ID in each time. More...
subroutine, public logging_mod::log_master_log (level, message)
 Will log just from the master process. More...
subroutine, public logging_mod::log_master_newline ()
 The master process will log a new line to stdio. More...
logical function, public logging_mod::log_is_master ()
 Determines whether the process is the master logging process. This might be preferable rather than calling masterLog due to having to construct the message for masterLog regardless. More...
subroutine, public logging_mod::log_log (level, message, str)
 Logs a message at the specified level. If the level is above the current level then the message is ignored. If applicable then the message will be written to stdout or a provided string. More...
subroutine, public logging_mod::log_newline ()
 Will log a new line to the stdout. More...
character(len=7) function logging_mod::get_logging_preamble (level)
 Returns the string preamble that applies to the specific logging level. More...
subroutine, public logging_mod::log_set_logging_level (level)
 Sets the logging level, messages with less priority will be ignored. More...
integer function, public logging_mod::log_get_logging_level ()
 Retrieves the current logging level. More...


integer, parameter, private logging_mod::master_process = 0
integer, parameter, public logging_mod::log_error = 1
 Only log ERROR messages. More...
integer, parameter, public logging_mod::log_warn = 2
 Log WARNING and ERROR messages. More...
integer, parameter, public logging_mod::log_info = 3
 Log INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages. More...
integer, parameter, public logging_mod::log_debug = 4
 Log DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages. More...
character(len= *), parameter logging_mod::error_preamble = "[ERROR]"
 Error message preamble. More...
character(len= *), parameter logging_mod::warn_preamble = "[WARN]"
 Warning message preable. More...
character(len= *), parameter logging_mod::info_preamble = "[INFO]"
 Info message preamble. More...
character(len= *), parameter logging_mod::debug_preamble = "[DEBUG]"
 Debug message preamble. More...
integer logging_mod::current_log_level =LOG_INFO
 Private current logging state, the default is INFO level. More...
logical, parameter logging_mod::error_is_fatal =.true.
 Whether an error log message is fatal and stops execution. More...
logical, save logging_mod::i_am_master =.true.
 Whether or not I am the master process. More...