Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
lateral_bcs.F90 File Reference

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module  lateral_bcs_mod
 Applies lateral boundary conditions. Note that these boundary conditions only make sense if bi-periodicity is switched off in the the halo swapping and solver. The FFT solver should have bi-periodic conditions.


type(component_descriptor_type) function, public lateral_bcs_mod::lateral_bcs_get_descriptor ()
 Provides a description of this component for the core to register. More...
subroutine lateral_bcs_mod::initialisation_callback (current_state)
 Initialisation callback. Sets up boundary depth and other configurable options. More...
subroutine lateral_bcs_mod::timestep_callback (current_state)
 Timestep callback which applies lateral boundary conditions. More...
subroutine lateral_bcs_mod::apply_rigid (current_state, istart, iend, jstart, jend, kstart, kend)


integer lateral_bcs_mod::lbc_type_x
integer lateral_bcs_mod::lbc_type_y
integer lateral_bcs_mod::idepth
integer lateral_bcs_mod::jdepth
integer, parameter lateral_bcs_mod::lbc_periodic = 1
integer, parameter lateral_bcs_mod::lbc_rigid = 2
integer, parameter lateral_bcs_mod::lbc_blend = 3