type(component_descriptor_type) function, public | iobridge_mod::iobridge_get_descriptor () |
subroutine | iobridge_mod::init_callback (current_state) |
| Initialisation call back, called at the start of the model run. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::timestep_callback (current_state) |
| Model dump call back, called for each model dump phase. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::send_data_to_io_server (current_state, data_index) |
| Sends data to the IO server. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::finalisation_callback (current_state) |
| Finalisation call back, called at the end of the model run. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::build_mpi_data_types () |
| Builds the MPI data types that correspond to the field descriptions and sizings. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::build_mpi_data_type_for_definition (specific_data_definition) |
| Builds the MPI data type for a specific definition with sizing information. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::populate_sendable_fields (current_state) |
| Populates the sendable field definitions with the field sizing information. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::populate_component_public_field (current_state, field_name) |
| Populates the field information for a specific publically available field offered by one of the components. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::populate_globally_visible_sendable_fields (current_state) |
| Populates the globally visible sendable fields which is a key value pair mapping between name and description of that field. More...
class(*) function, pointer | iobridge_mod::generate_sendable_description (dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4) |
| Generates a sendable description based upon the dimension information supplied, missing arguments means that dimension does not exist. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::send_monc_specific_data_to_server (current_state, mpi_type_data_sizing_description) |
| Sends this MONC specific information to the IO server, which is field info (sizing & availability) as well as meta data such as ZN field and Q field names. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::send_data_field_sizes_to_server (current_state, mpi_type_data_sizing_description, data_description, number_unique_fields) |
| Assembles all the data field sizing information and sends this to the IO server. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::send_general_monc_information_to_server (current_state, buffer) |
| Sends the general MONC information (ZN field and Q field names) to the IO server. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::package_local_monc_decomposition_into_descriptions (current_state, data_description) |
| Packages the local MONC decomposition information into descriptions for communication. More...
type(io_server_sendable_field_sizing) function | iobridge_mod::get_sendable_field_sizing (field_name, field_found) |
| Retrieves the sizing information associated with a specific field. More...
type(component_field_information_type) function | iobridge_mod::get_component_field_descriptor (field_name) |
| Retrieves the descriptor associated with some component's field based upon the field name. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::assemble_individual_description (data_description, index, field_name, field_sizing_description) |
| Will assemble an individual description of an array data field. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::register_with_io_server (current_state, mpi_type_definition_description, mpi_type_field_description) |
| Registers this MONC with the corresponding IO server. This will encapsulate the entire protocol, which is sending the registration command, receiving the data and field definitions from the IO server and then sending back the sizing for the fields that this MONC will contribute. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::get_total_number_of_fields (definition_descriptions, number_defns) |
| Retrieve the total number of fields, which is all the fields in all the data definitions. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::populate_data_definition_configuration (definition_descriptions, number_defns, field_descriptions, number_fields) |
| Based upon the received data and field definitions this will configure the IO bridge internal representation of these facets, which is a structured tree, data defintions holding their own fields rather than the unstructured data we get from the IO server. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::get_definition_index (name) |
| Looks up a specific definition based upon its name and returns the index. More...
subroutine | iobridge_mod::pack_send_buffer (current_state, data_definition) |
| Packs the current state into the send buffer. This iterates through each field in the data description and adds it to the send buffer. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::pack_scalar_into_send_buffer (current_state, data_definition, field, current_buffer_point) |
| Packs scalar fields into the send bufer. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::handle_component_field_scalar_packing_into_send_buffer (current_state, data_definition, field, current_buffer_point) |
| Packs a components field scalar into the send buffer, these are fields that are served up by components rather than explicitly available. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::pack_map_into_send_buffer (current_state, data_definition, field, current_buffer_point) |
| Packs map fields into the send buffer. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::pack_array_into_send_buffer (current_state, data_definition, field, current_buffer_point) |
| Packs array fields into the send bufer. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::handle_component_field_array_packing_into_send_buffer (current_state, data_definition, field, current_buffer_point) |
| Packs a components field array into the send buffer, these are fields that are served up by components rather than explicitly available. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::pack_prognostic_flow_field (buffer, prognostic, start_offset, local_grid) |
| Packs the data of a specific prognostic field into a buffer. More...
integer function | iobridge_mod::pack_q_fields (buffer, q_fields, number_q_fields, start_offset, local_grid) |
| Packs the Q fields into the send buffer. More...