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configurationfileparser.F90 File Reference

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module  configuration_file_parser_mod
 Parses a configuration file and loads the contents into the options database which can then be interogated by components in the model.


subroutine, public configuration_file_parser_mod::parse_configuration_file (options_database, user_configuration_file)
 Parses a specific configuration and adds the contents into the options database. More...
recursive subroutine configuration_file_parser_mod::process_configuration_file (options_database, filename, is_user_file, file_id)
 Will actually open a specific file and read it in line by line, parsing this and storing the configuration options. More...
recursive subroutine configuration_file_parser_mod::process_configuration_line (options_database, raw_line, is_user_file, found_global)
 Processes a line from the configuration file, breaks it up into its key and value and depending upon the specifics of the line it will store it in the options database in a variety of ways. More...
logical function configuration_file_parser_mod::parse_global_configuration_if_available (options_database)
 Parses the global configuration file if it is available and calls on to add all of this to the options database. More...
logical function configuration_file_parser_mod::has_multiple_values (configuration_value)
 Determines if a specific string contains multiple values such as str1, str2, str3. More...
subroutine configuration_file_parser_mod::get_mode_and_split_points_from_line (raw_line, mode, start_split, end_split)
 Processes a line to determine the mode (replace or additive) and where the split point is between the key and value. More...
subroutine configuration_file_parser_mod::handle_array_element_set (options_database, config_key, config_value, mode)
 Handles setting a specific array element, when the key has something like k(n) - n being the index to set. More...
integer function configuration_file_parser_mod::get_key_array_index (config_key)
 Given a configuration key of the form k(n), this returns the n. More...
logical function configuration_file_parser_mod::is_key_array_index_specifier (config_key)
 Determines whether a configuration key represents a specific array element, i.e. is of the form k(n) More...
subroutine configuration_file_parser_mod::process_configuration_array (options_database, config_key, config_value, mode)
 Will process a configuration array of values such as v1,v2,v3,v4. More...
subroutine configuration_file_parser_mod::store_configuration (options_database, config_key, config_value, array_index)
 Stores a specific configuration by determining the type of a value and calling on to the options database for storage. More...
character(len=len(string_value)) function configuration_file_parser_mod::remove_string_quotation (string_value)
 Removes quotations from a string if these are included, regardless of before it will return the contents i.e. "abc" = abc, hg"abc"re = abc. More...


integer, parameter configuration_file_parser_mod::user_file_id =15
integer, parameter configuration_file_parser_mod::global_file_id =16